Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Young Investor Teaching Money Resources

Young Investor:


You already know three things that you can do with your money - spend it, save it or invest it. But you also have another choice: You can give it to groups that help other people, animals or the environment.
When you give money to charities, you can help make the world a better place for yourself and others. Gifts like these are quite popular among kids like you. In a survey conducted in 2000, six out of 10 students in grades six through 11 said they make their own charitable donations.1 Most popular are gifts to religious groups, health-related charities, groups that help the homeless, organizations that help animals and groups that provide relief during disasters."

I just found this website and they have incredible support and games for kids, parents and teachers to teach kids about money.

I highly recommend their resources.

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

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