Thursday, October 23, 2008

Which one are YOU?

DreamRichly Daily, Wednesday October 22, 2008, Vol. 1, Amanda van der Gulik – Which one are YOU? - The DreamRichly Club:

"- There are people that make things happen.
- There are people that watch things happen.
- There are people that ask 'What happened?'

Which one are you?"

Click the link above to check out the rest of this blog.

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What to DO in These Financial Times of Crisis?

Don't forget your children.

Times of financial crisis are times of incredible opportunity to teach your children never become a victim to financial crisis.

What better way to role model financial success for our kids than to teach by showing?

Get your finances sorted but show your kids, don't hide it. They will learn by example.

And on the other side, the best way to learn is to teach.

So by teaching children about money, you will in effect be teaching yourself and helping yourself get out of your own financial debts and worries.

Here's to raising financially and emotionally stable and successful families!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chocolate Lover!!! - by KAM - 12 years old

"I started this business because…

I wanted to have a business and my own money.

I chose chocolate lollipops because I knew it was going to be a success since everyone loves chocolate and it was going to be easy to sell.

Every 2 weeks, I make chocolate lollipops. This is how I do it. My mom takes me to the store to buy the ingredients and materials. When I get home I make the lollipops, after they are all ready and packed I count how many of each flavor I made and write it on my notebook.

I go with my 3 brothers and sell them in my neighborhood and in my school.

When I finish selling all of them I count the money and verify that it matches the number of lollipops.

When I count all the money I divide it this way: to cover the cost of materials
and ingredients, to pay each of my brothers, for each of my 3 piggy banks,
for me, and the rest I leave it in the business bank to re-invest in the business.

My goals are to have money to help people and buy anything I want. And be free…

Being my own boss is difficult because I have to do everything, sell, count, buy etc.

As I write my brother tells me that it difficult because I don't let them (the brothers) do anything else but sell. I will start training one of them to help me making and packing the lollipops. This will give me more time to do other things.

I like being my own boss because I control what I do and when I do it.

I have not donate money because I did not know it was so important now,

I am ready to start donating.

Till next time…

Kamila Márquez Marxuach
Puerto Rico
12 years old
October 13, 2008

What if you only had 30 seconds left?

Here are the three things I would tell my children if I only
had 30 seconds left
to say anything to them to help them
with their future.

(As a matter of fact I say these things to them every night
when I kiss them goodnight.)

1. I love you sweetheart with all my heart.

2. You are my favourite, girl/boy in the whole world.
(I have one of each, very convienent! ;o)

3. You can do anything you want. If you think you can do it,
you are right.
If you think you can't you are right!

What three things would YOU say to YOUR own children or loved
ones if you only had 30 seconds left?

Post them below, share them with us all.

Here's to your Massive Success!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. Time is running out...

30, 29, 28, 27, 26...

Don't waste it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

bad news...

Do you watch the news?

How does it make you feel?

Why do you watch the news?

Have you ever wondered why you watch the news?

It's called the "Rubber Neck Effect".

Here's an example from internet guru, Frank Kern, of what I mean:

You're driving down the highway and you see a beautiful field of colourful flowers all in bloom...

You would probably notice it briefly but would you slow down to enjoy the moment?

Most of us wouldn't.

Now you drive by a horrible accident, ambulance, police, mangled cars, blood and glass everywhere...

Most of us would slow down to see it, right?

Why is this?

It's human nature, we have a "rubber neck" that twists to see the bad news...

But what is it doing to your life?

Do you really need to watch the news?

Why fill your mind with horrible images that you then send back out into your future through the law of attraction.

Instead, why not simply refuse to watch the news, refuse to read the newspaper, refuse to listen to the news on the radio.

Did you know that the news that you NEED to hear about, you will?

Even if you don't watch the news...

If it's important enough to know, someone will tell you about it. They always do.

So save your precious mind space for only the possitive news, the really important negative news will find you anyway so don't go out and purposely find it, let it find you instead.

Be in control of the thoughts and ideas that you let in.

Stop your own "Rubber Neck Effect"!

Here's to your success...

Cheers....Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life & "Kids and Money" Enthusiast!
Teaching Children About Money
Create Your Own Good News Mind Movie

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What's Your Point of View?

Two Weeks ago I was travelling with my husband to San Diego for a 'weekend away without our kiddos'.

It was heavenly. We love our children very dearly, but it's also nice to have some quality time alone with your life partner as well! ;o)

We were on our way to meet the people from It was fantastic. (They are the guys who help you put your vision board into a movie format.)

While we were travelling through the terminal we noticed something magnificant!


You know the gang-way that you need to walk through to get to your plane right?

Well, on both sides of the walls of the gang-way were these incredible images with very bold statements.

They caught my eye and made me think of you guys.

We are a different set of people, we have taken our own dreams of teaching our children about money and taken the possitive action to join up other like-minded parents to stay continuously inspired and supported.

So I wrote down the bold statements that I found that day. I wanted to pass them on to you all.

Just as a reminder that we are all different, with different views.
The views are neither wrong nor right, they are just different.

But it is this possitive difference that changes our futures.

Enjoy, them as much as I did. Then reflect and make a concious choice as to which view you are going to take to make your life the ultimate life of your dreams.

And share them with us below in your replies to this post.

Here they are, ENJOY!

What's YOUR point of view?

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Excited Life Enthusiast!

Good day to YOU!

Today I want to remind you to be ENTHUSIASTIC about your life!

Even if you feel rotten, imagine you feel ON-TOP-OF-THE-WORLD!

When you hear your phone ring, before you answer, quickly tell yourself, how incredibly excited the person on the other end of the phone is to speak to you!

You'll make THEIR day with your attitude as you answer the phone!

End all your emails with a possitive signature:

My is always...Excited Life Enthusiast!

Come up with a signature that feels right for you.

And then post your signature in the feedback for this post below!

Share your ideas and help your fellow DreamRichly Daily members to be more Enthusiastic about their lives! ;o)

Some days are BAD!


MORE days are GOOD!

It's your choice how you choose to look at it.

Is your glass half empty...


Is your glass half full with plenty of good room to fill it up even MORE?! ;o)

Make yourself feel grateful for the dreams you know you will achieve by watching your dreams on a daily, continual, subliminal basis. You'll be pleasantly surprised at your results.

When you make your mind up to be happy and to achieve your dreams...

and you know in your heart that all of your goals have been accomplished...

that your dreams are simply waiting for you to catch up with them...

That's when you will see YOUR successes come flowing in!

Here are MY dreams, (I have them playing on my computer, transparantly, ALL day long! On top of everything I do! Subliminally changing my life as they they play!) ;o)


Tell me YOUR dreams?

Share them with me below in your reply to my post today.

Here's to your continued success,

Cheers....Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life & "Kids and Money" Enthusiast!

P.S. Get Your Own Vision Board Playing Subliminally,
on Your Computer All Day LONG!
Get it Here Right NOW!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Okay, you can get in now, sorry for the delay...

Hi Guys,

I know exactly how you feel, I have been trying to get my own mind movie creation kit for the past 2 and a half hours.

I just got an email from Ryan that they have increased their server capacity and so the links should be working now.

I just tried it myself, and it worked perfectly, so I've got my new mind movie creation kit on it's way as I type this, and I am also similtaneously downloading my subliminal mind movie program. I can't wait to have my mind movie running transparantly on top of all I do while I am working on my computer.

It allows you to run several mind movies in sequence, so not only will I be playing my own mind movie but also the 6 pre-made mind movies that Ryan created and also the 5 mind movies for kids that I created so my kids get the good effects too!

This is just so cool!!!

Let me also take the opportunity here to thank-you for your wonderful emails to me, I am still blushing when I think of how many of you have written me your sincere thanks for showing you this incredible opportunity.

You are so welcome and thank-you too! You keep me going! I'm doing this for YOU! ;o)

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. So you can now go to the site and it should work for you this time, Ryan wanted me to pass along his appologies, he never realised in his wildest dreams that he would have over 60,000 people going to his site all trying to get in at once! Pretty cool stuff. So make sure you go there right now to make sure you still get in for the over $2000.000 worth of bonuses! (my 5 pre-made mind movies for kids is part of that! ;o) How cool is that?

Today's the Day!

Hi Guys,

Oh my Gosh, I still can't believe it. After weeks of waiting, Today is FINALLY the day! ;o)

I can't tell you how many people have been emailing me asking me, "when are they going to open their doors?"

Right Now!!!

Two weeks ago, I sent you your first opportunity to get 6 pre-made mind movies for FREEno strings attached!

I still remember the day I found out that they were giving these incredible mind movies away forFREE!

As quite a few of you know I've been working on building two website similtaneously.

Well, by using my own personally created mind movie I've been able to reach my goals in both fields!

My own mind movie has helped me reach my goal 100 fold! It's true! Before my mind movie, I had been working on my and websites for over 3 years with little success.

Then after creating my mind movie (in which I stated how incredibly grateful I was that my cakes and kids websites were international, making sales, and changing the lives of cake decorators and young children everywhere for their creative and financial betterment. And also, I stated how incredibly grateful I was that now that my websites were a success I was attracting inspirational people to me would ask me for advice and help with cake decorating, teaching children about money and entrepreneurialism in general.)

Well, this is what happened:

The first day I was emailed an incredible opportunity to joint venture with my cake decorating gurus at!

These guys know cake decorating like no one else alive!!!

Then one week after creating my own mind movie, I was offered the opportunity to take a 5 day course to get my teaching children about money website online.


It would cost me $10,000, of which I had $0!

Then three days later I was surprised with a $10,000 (exactly) income tax return that I had absolutely no idea I had been even qualified to get back!

So I took that money, put it into the course, and a week later, my was online, international, making money, and changing the lives of young children everywhere for their financial betterment!


About a month later I started getting phone calls from inspirational people, who had somehow found ME!

The were asking me to joint venture with them, to do interviews with them, and even to become one of their daily inspirational panelists! were the ones who asked me to become their daily inspirational panelist for every Wednesday. were the ones who asked to interview me about my own mind movie success and that has brought me so much new traffic to my sight that I had to upgrade my email account to keep up with it all!

I was asked to joint venture with both Mind Movies and DreamRichly!! How cool is that?

So I created 5 Pre-Made Mind Movies for KIDS, for the mind movie launch.

Before the launch I offered my pre-made mind movies for kids to a handful of action-taking people and the responses I have been getting for their impactfulness have blown me over!!!
My dreams are coming true. I will even be on Oprah! (I'll have to let you know of the dates when I find out. But it's in my mind movie and I've already had people help me get closer to this incredible goal so I KNOW it will happen! ;o) How cool is that!

Now, when I first wrote you about the free mind movies that Ryan was giving away, it wasn't my intention that you should ever have to buy anything. I wasn't trying to sell you anything.

I just found a really cool tool that I knew worked from my own experiences. (I mean before mind movies it took me 23 years to get my goals! but that's another story for later.) All I can tell you is I am no longer willing to wait that long to achieve my dreams! That's for sure! (those of you who listened in to the teleseminar where Ryan interviewed me will know what I'm talking about.)

So why did I send you the opportunity to get your own free mind movies? Because I am a true beleiver in the Law of Attraction and I know that the best way to help my own future is by helping others. What goes around, comes around!

And I want good stuff to come my way, so I will keep on sharing good stuff with you!


So many of you have written me asking if you can get your own mind movie creation kit so that you can create your own goals, not just goals that someone else thought up.


You don't have to wait:

The wait has been SO worth the effort!

Even though I already have my own ancient version of the mind movies, I will be one of the first today to purchase my new one!

Yeap, that's right, even though I already have their old online version, that works just fine, I am still going to be banging down their door to get their new one!

Even though one their bonus give-aways is my own product!

Hey, I know how good their stuff is, and I know that the other $2000.00 worth of bonuses is worth my buying a new kit!

But that's not even the reason I'll be buying it!

I'm getting my own new version because of the powerful new technology that they have added to it.

I mean, even I am lazy! Even though I KNOW this stuff works, I still find it hard to remember to watch my own mind movie first thing when I wake up and last thing at night before I go to bed.
With the new software they are offering with their new mind movie creation kit, comes the ability to watch my mind movie all day long while I work on my computer subliminally!Transparantly on top of all I do! And add to that the incredible added bonus of the "way too technical for me to explain" audios that help our minds accept these mind movies as our reality,


I'm catch, hook, line and sinker!

I've been working with these guys and I know they are for real and that their product is phenomial so if you get yours, you may have to wait in line, cause I'll be there first!

Here's to your continued success,

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. I appreciate your patience with me these past two weeks, I have just been so incredibly excited about all the fabulous FREEBIESthat I may have seemed a little on the heavy side.
But don't forget, they were absolutely yours nostrings attached.You were never in possition where you needed to purchase anything in order to get their incredible pre-made mind movies, and that is why I passed the information on to you.

So for those of you who have asked:

Get your mind movie creation kit along with their incredible technological software,and audios, and of course not to forget the 2K worth of bonuses NOW!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I LOVE this!


I’m not even sure I’m supposed to be telling you this, but the
people over at Mind Movies have really done it now.


They don’t seem to know when to stop! ;o)


Ryan and his posse keep piling up bonuses like there’s notomorrow.
And he's added my "5 Pre-Made Mind Movies for Kids" to the list!
How cool is that? ;o)

You've got to see their bonus page! My product is on it!I'm so excited:

It looks like this:

Just scroll to your left on the bonus page and you'll see my product made #1 possition!!! This is just really cool!

I'm not really sure if I was already allowed to show you this page, but hey, my product is on it and you're my special friend so you get
to see it first, that's what I think anyway. So don't let them know I showed it to you already, I think we're supposed to wait until tomorrow
to show you this. OOPS! ;o)

Okay, okay, I'll calm down enough to tell you this...

Word has it they are also pretty concerned about how they’ll handle
the tidal wave of response to their most awesome Mind Movies.

Because they’ve literally got thousands of people waiting for Wednesday and they’re not sure how long their supply ofMind Movie Creation Kits will last.

I twisted Ryan's arm till he told, and apparently…


There are already more than 60,000 people in line!


I mean, I guess it’s not too surprising. Unless you’ve been on a desert island or something, you’ve probably gotten the six pre-made Mind Movies Ryan’s been giving away, so you know how powerful they are.

Now add on a way to make your own personalized ones?

Well, it’s without question the most powerful way to attractanything you want into your life.
OK, so they already have this “problem” with too many peopleand potentially not enough of their incredible product.

And then they add another unbelievably KILLER bonus, And when I gave it a whirl to see how it works? I said…


“Oh…My…Gosh. This is AWESOME!”


(yes, it's true, those of you who know me, know that this is really big language for me, I refuse to swear!)

And I really felt it was practically my duty to tell you about it.

See, there’s this guy named Morry who has been researching something called brain entrainment for the past fifteen years.

Nope, that's not spelled wrong, that's a real word! I know, I thought he first said entertainment! But that's not even closeto what this stuff is...

He’s like some kind of Einstein when it comes to this stuff, which by
the way started being PROVEN hundreds of years ago by OTHER
Einstein types.

Basically, from what I understand, brain entrainment is actuallybased in Physics, and causes your brainwave frequency to startmatching to periodic stimulus in a way that synchronizes bothsides of your brain.

Yeah, I know, go try to figure that one out right?

Well, this goes way back to this guy who proved this workedback in 1665! He did it by hanging two pendulum clocks on thesame wall, setting them differently so their “swings” weredifferent, and waiting to see what happened.

What happened, is eventually the two clocks automaticallymatched their rhythms and started swinging exactly the sameway. It’s the same thing with your brain frequencies.

Yeah, I know. Heavy stuff. And not being very scientific myself, I’m probably not explaining it very well.

But what it means (and what I’ve experienced with it) is that you literally TRAIN your brain power without WILL power…




And when THAT happens, all kinds of really phenomenal things begin happening in your life, because as your brain creates newneural pathways from the sound vibrations, your brain alsocreates NEW ways of experiencing yourself and the world!

It's really cool stuff!

Some people say it is so powerful, they actually feel a gentle tingle
or just a surge in energy. You’ll find yourself getting more creative
ideas, sleeping better, even becoming more focused and motivated.
It really feels good.

At any rate, here is the part that is totally blowing my mind…

Morry has created a sequence of brain entrainment audios specifically to be used with Mind Movies.

I mean, this adds so much power to the whole Mind Movie concept it’s insane! And I for one am totally excited about what this means for you.

Because here’s the thing I wasn’t supposed to tell you…


They are GIVING this away!


Yep, they’re giving it away this week, when they launch the new Mind Movie Creation Kits on Wednesday. It’s never been available before, so right now, this is the ONLY way you can getyour hands (and ears!) on this customized audio program.

I’ve tried it, and I can already feel the difference from whenI watched my Mind Movies without it. It’s hard to explain, butyou’ll understand when you feel it for yourself.

And it only takes a few minutes each day to do it.

Heck, as long as I’m “showing and telling” Imay as well go the distance.

Go ahead and take a look at the rest of the bonuses they’re giving away this week: (don't forget to look at mine in the topleft hand corner, you'll need to scroll over just a little to seeit.)

Ryan told me they are never going to give ALL of these bonuses
away again after launch week. And these bonuses alone are worth2,231 dollars! (The one I'm giving away is already worth $195!)

You know what I say? Get it while the getting is good.

So, sorry Ryan, but I’m telling! (I mean I am part of the launch and all! ;o)

OK, that’s enough of getting myself into trouble for one day.

Talk to you again soon,

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. Don’t forget, it’s still not to late to get into their contest!
(Did I even tell you about this one yet? Oops, sorry, I forgot) Well, they
are giving away 5,000 dollars to the person who gets the most YouTube
views with their Mind Movie this year. How cool is that??

P.P.S. 2,231 dollars worth of BONUSES? (and my product was approved
to be a part of it all! I’m still shaking my head in awe over that one.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Only TWO Days Left!

Hello Fellow Entrepreneurial Parents,

Have you got yours yet?

Did you download the 6 FREE pre-made mind movies I sent you the link for yet?

They will be re-launching their website on Wednesday, so if you still want to get the 6 pre-made mind movies for free then you need to grab them before Tuesday, after that they go back in their bonus category (which means you need to buy first to get them, but for the next TWO days they're still FREE!!) ;o)

Hey, what can I say, I'm Dutch, I love FREE STUFF!

Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know about these really cool mind movies before they were no longer available.

Also, these guys have approached me because they like my website so much that they want to joint venture with me.

So they asked if I would be willing to create a special bonus product for them that they can then use as a bonus gift for their customers when they buy their mind movie creation kit.

Well, I nearly fell over backwards, I couldn't believe these incredible guys were asking ME! How cool is that?

Anyway, so I quickly said, "YESSSS" (after first picking myself up off the floor of course.) ;o)

And I've created 5 of my own mind movies, but then for KIDS.

And I thought, okay, well, my own friends should be able to have them for free! Without first needing to buy these guys incredible mind movie creation kit (which if you knew how incredible their software is you'd want anyway, but that's beside the point).


If you would like to get my own 5 pre-made mind movies for kids for free from me, only for my special friends, the rest will have to get them through the mind movie purchase process, then all you have to do to get them, is....

And this is really easy.

Go to the following website, download their 6 FREE pre-made mind movies, tell me what the last image is in the MONEY mindmovie and then I send you my very own 5 pre-made mind movie for KIDS for FREE!!

And did you hear the interview that these guys did with me?

You can download the teleseminar at the same website, (just sign in for their 6 pre-made mind movie give-away and they will send you an email with the link to their download page) and then you can hear me tell about my 23 year old confession...

Hey, here's to your continued success!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. PAY IT FORWARD! I'll give my 5 pre-made mind movies to your friends and family to, no strangers though, just your friends and family.
Any family or friend of yours is a family or friend of mine.

Get your Mind Movies now: (They are taking them away on Tuesday, this week, because they will be re-launching their website on Wednesday the 10th of Sept. So don't wait or you'll miss out!)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Okay, I confess...

This wasn't one of my greatest moments.


It did have a very happy ending...
However it took me 23 years to reach it!

Please DON'T wait 23 YEARS like I did to
reach your own goals. Now, I'm so good at this that
it only takes me about 3 weeks to reach my goals.

Okay, so what on earth am I talking about?

Your can hear my full confession here:

I don't know if you've had a chance to get the incredible
freegifts that I sent you a few days ago, but I swear they
will change your life and the life of your family in such a
profound way that you will never be able to go back to
your old way of life again.

And that's a good thing!

So what's the catch?

It's simple, these guys I found on the internet have created
a mind blastingly simple way of helping you achieve your
goals faster, and I should know, it took me 23 years to get
my first goal the old fashioned way and now it only takes
me about 3 weeks to reach my goals. And it's ALL thanks
to them!

Okay, so here's the deal:

These guys are doing a major re-launch of their website. I
found them a few months back and was totally impressed
with them back then. I used their stuff and started seeing
my own goals and dreams manifest in a matter of weeks.
(which was a HUGE improvement on my old way of reaching
my goals!)

Anyway, they decided to re-vamp their website and their
product and do a whole new re-launch of their website, and.....

As part of that, since they deal in "the Law of Attraction",
they decided to GIVEAWAYsome absolutely incrediblefree
gifts to us, no strings attached! REALLY.

They are hoping that you will be so impressed with their
freepresents that you will want to buy their newly re-vamped
product, the one that made my own goals come true within
only 3 weeks!


You don't have to. You'll probably want to. Even though I
already have their old product I will still be buying their newest
version once it comes out because these guys have really
outdone themselves.

But you don't have to, there is absolutely nothing you need to
buy to get thesefree gifts.

All you have to do is go to this link:

and send them your email address so you can receive the
download links for the freegifts they are giving away.


Make sure you download the 'teleseminar', to hear my
confession, why it took me 23 years to manifest my dreams
and now only takes me 3 weeks!

I still can't believe this stuff really works!

Anyway, here's to your continued success,

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. I've just created 5 mind movies especially made for kids,
and I'll give ALL 5 to the first 10 people who can accurately
email me what my 23 year old confession is from the teleseminar.

P.P.S. Have you heard about the blockbuster movie,
"The Secret"? Well, if you're quick, then when you download
yourfree gifts from these guys you will also get an incredible
bonusinterview with John Assaraf, one of the mentors from
the movie! Don't wait, they are about to re-open their doors
to their website, so this stuff won't be available for long. (I
believe they are re-launching their product next week.)

Pay It Forward!

(After you get your gifts, don't forget to 'pay it forward' and
send this to your friends and family so they can get these too ;o)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What Are You Looking Through? A Microscope or Telescope?

Microscopic or Telescopic?

What kind of person are you?

Do you look at your life through a Microscope, nit-picking every little action or choice you make?

Or do you look at your life through a Telescope, looking out into the future at what your life will become, and ignoring all the side-winding paths along the way?

If you want to have a successful future, AND you actually want to get there then my suggestion to you is...

Look at your life through the Telescope!

You are at "point A" and you are looking through your telescope to "point B", which is where you see yourself going.

If you are going to use the Microscope instead, then you would never even see "point B" never mind ever getting there!

You will be side-tracked by "point A1", "point A2", "point A3"...

And on, and on, and on...

Step back from your Microscope, throw it out!

Stick to your Telescope and you will still hit "point a1", "point A2", and the rest but you will have your FOCUS solidly on "POINT B"...

Which means....

You will reach it!

Here's to your success,

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!
Get 6 Free Pre-Made Mind Movies Right Now!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

You've gotta see this...

Remember when you were a kid, and you thought you could be
anything when you grew up?

Maybe you even spent hours pretending, spinning out elaborate
scenarios for your “grown up life”.

But then, sadly, your mind was “poisoned” by the toxic messages
surrounding you in the so called “real world”. You know the ones—
the voices telling you to be sensible and realistic. The ones

that continually tell you no.

But that’s wrong! The real world is truly incredible, and
it wants to say YES, to you. Because anything IS possible.
And the power you were born with is still there. I promise you it

Don't you want to encourage your own kids to go for their dreams
because you KNOW that they WILL succeed?

And the FUN is still there too. All you have to do is embrace it.

Start by watching this, and you’ll see what I mean:

Not only will you be taken on a crazy “rocket ride” around the
world, you’ll also see the seriously terrific things that can
happen when you tap into your inner power.

Things like surprisingly large amounts of money arriving
unexpectedly, the journey of your dreams becoming a reality, or
the kind of home you’ve thought would be perfect for YOU arriving
in your life.

I’m not talking make believe here. I’m talking facts in the form
of two powerful case studies proving how quickly the power of
your mind can be harnessed to pull anything and everything you
want into your life.

Listen to their stories here:

I’ll warn you though, be ready for a fast ride when you do!
It’s all part of the fun.

And please, take advantage of what these two livewires from
Australia are giving you today! I really don’t think they’ll be
doing this for long.

It’s literally hundreds of dollars worth of value that can
change your life, and it’s yours for the asking.

Imagine how exciting it will be to see your life and the life of
your child and family changing, practically overnight!

This really is a case of nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So take a few minutes and watch this now. And then DO it!
Be THE role model you WANT for your child, for your Family!

To your and your family's success,

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. Be sure you watch ALL the video so you don’t miss the
generous surprise at the end. I don’t want to steal their
thunder, but let’s just say you will get one heck of a no-strings
gift if you hurry. I’d suggest you not waste another minute…

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Have A Little Patience...

Okay, be honest.

How many times have you found yourself frustrated because you want your dreams to come true but you want it NOW!

You don't want to wait!

You're sick of waiting, your sick of your dreams taking so long to arrive.


It will happen.

And funnily enough, the nearer your are to your dreams the more frustrated you become. That's when most people give up and lose the faith.

It's really true, the bend in your road is SO near!!!

Have patience, the universe just needs to have the time to make everything go your way.

As long as you live up to your end:

Conceive the dream,
Believe the dream,


Receive the dream!

Your dreams are almost at your door, don't give up now...


Here's to your success...

Cheers....Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life & "Kids and Money" Enthusiast!
Teaching Children About
Get 6 FREE Pre-Made Mind Movies Today Before They Run Out!.com

Monday, August 25, 2008

This works like crazy!

Oh my goodness, I can't wait for you to SEE THIS!

I'm sorry if this seems a bit rushed, but once I got my hands on
what this guy is GIVING AWAY (for Abosutely FREE) at the
end of his video...

Well, I thought I was going to explode!

Or at the very least, dislocate my fingers trying to type this to
you as fast as I could.

Let me just sum it up for you in a few words...

This could totally transform your family's life!

I'm going on record right now to tell you
this one thing alone will totally change how
fast you can manifest ANYTHING you want
into your family's life.

You'll see when you try it.

OK, let me calm down and explain...

This guy from Australia found an incredible way to make
his manifestations become his reality.

In fact, he did it so fast, he went from working in a
sweaty factory packing boxes--to super successful
entrepreneur--in the first 90-days he used it!

And then he found out ANYBODY who used
this could do it too.

It's so cool! Because when you do what he did...

You Can Fire Your Boss Too!
And... Make Sure Your Child Never HAS
to even have a boss!

It's powerful, it's easy, and it's FAST.

Please, do yourself and your family a favor.

If you truly want to attract anything you want...
If you want it to happen almost automatically...
If you would LOVE to see your life transformed...

Watch the video all the way to the end!

I want to hear from you after you start using the
gifts he is giving away today, OK?

Tell me what happens for YOU and YOUR FAMILY!

All the best,

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. I really don't think Ryan will be giving this away for
long. He believes in abundance, which is why he is doing this
at all. Do NOT miss this!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

UNDER Promise - OVER Deliver!!!

My good friend Dennis Zabawa wrote a wonderful piece today on the DreamRichly Daily Forum. It is from the inspiration of his blog post that I write this one to you today.

Have you ever made a promise that you couldn't keep?

How dissappointed did you feel for breaking your promise?

How badly did the person who you made your promise to feel?

You are not alone here, I have found myself in this horrible situation time and time again. I truly mean to keep my promise but then I find myself simply not able to keep it. But we can change that!

Try this one next time you find yourself making a promise...

UNDER promise - OVER deliver!

I always teach my kids to under promise and over deliver.

Actualy I've done this on purpose in one of the ebooks that I give away for free to kids, it's an ebook with 50 money making ideas for kids but when they open it up there are actually 57!

I want them to learn at a young age that you really need to watch what you promise. You'll make people so much happier if you surprise them with more than they expect instead of under delivering on your promise.

If you think a job will take you a week to accomplish, then say it will take you two or at least a week and a half. Give yourself the space for any mishaps to be concurred and then you can have the wonderful luxury of telling your happy client, "I'm done already!" and thoroughly enjoy their happy surprise.

Here's to your continued success! ;o)

Cheers....Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!
Get your FREE "50 Money Making Ideas for Kids" ebook Here:
Then Create Your Own Mind Movie Here:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Make Millions! Join the Mind Movie Launch!

Join the launch NOW!
Click Here Mind Movie

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

End Of An Experiment

"I was chuckling yesterday - it's so nice when your kids come to a conclusion all on their own, a conclusion you have been waiting for them to reach.

"The backstory to this one is this. A couple of years ago, my daughters started a business breeding pet rats. They borrowed the start-up capital from us, and paid interest out of their pocket money. After a while, two of them wanted to pay down the principal out of their pocket money, too, to get rid of the debt earlier. (We decided not to intervene with a good-debt-bad-debt conversation at that point!)

"One of the twins didn't want to pay extra, and there were words exchanged.In the end, we reached a compromise - the one who didn't want to pay extra would become an employee. She would be paid each time she helped with the cage-cleaning, but she would not be entitled to a share of any profits which came down the track.

"This smoothed things over, and some time later the debt was all paid and the profits were being distributed between the other two. We discussed the difference between being paid for what you do at the time you do it, vs taking a risk and possibly getting a bigger payday later.

"They wound the rat business up after a couple of years, and a couple of months later, the oldest was finally old enough to apply for a job a McDonalds. The younger two, about the same time, started internet businesses. I talked to the oldest about having an internet business, too, but she was so dazzled by the enormous size of her first fortnight's pay from McDonalds that she wasn't interested.

"She said she wanted to repeat the employee-vs-business experiment they had done with the rat business, with her as the employee this time. She was very confident that she could make more as an employee than the others would online.

"Over the past few months, she has started to notice the problems with being an employee. She was sick, and had to reduce her hours. She was rostered to work while her friends were out at parties. She learned how everything worked within a few weeks, and boredom set in.

"The final clincher was when she started rethinking her career choices. The years of study to become an anaesthetist started to look like a bit of a drag.

'But,' she said, 'if I'm not going to be an anaesthetist, what will I be?'

"I pointed out that there's not a huge hurry to decide (she's only fourteen after all), and then I dropped in a mention that if she had a bit of money coming in from an internet business, she wouldn't have to make a final decision about her career for quite a few more years.

"She thought about it. Then she said 'If I was making enough money from the internet business, I wouldn't ever need a job, would I?'

'Not unless you wanted to do something that you have to do as an employee,' I said, 'like being an astronaut.'

"Wheels turned almost audibly.

'I want a website,' she said.

"And so endeth the experiment!

"Don't get me wrong - I'm not opposed to people having jobs. There have been times in my career that I have been, at least on paper, on someone's payroll.

"I am opposed to people being raised with an employee mindset. I am proud of my McDonalds employee daughter, not just for having the gumption to apply the very first day their website would let her in to do so, but also for going out and getting a trade certificate as a barista before she applied, to make herself more appealing as an applicant, and for almost immediately becoming one of their fastest front-counter operators.

"The way she explains it, she sets herself challenges to see how fast she can get the orders together, because it makes the work more interesting and rewarding. She never just shows up in 'time serving mode' with the sole aim of surviving her hours and collecting her pay. Even at a job as apparently menial as working at Maccas, she is thinking all the time about how to add value, for herself and for her employer.

"If everybody approached their work with that kind of attitude, what a wonderful world it would be!"

By Jenny Ford
Cash Smart

To find ways for your own children to start their own internet businesses visit Teaching Children About

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Feel the FEAR and DO it ANYWAY!

There are NO mistakes in life!

It's true!

We are raised to beleive that we will make horrible mistakes
and that our mistakes will haunt us for all eternity.

This is simply NOT true!

There are No mistakes in life, ONLY very expensive
learning lessons!

If you 'get' that then you will be a success in life, but only if
you truly 'get' that.

Everytime you are about to venture out on a new adventure,
remind yourself, there are no mistakes.

Feel the fear of your new adventure, and then do it anyway!

If mis-adventures pile up along the way, see them as your
life's lessons.

Meditate on what went wrong, and how you can either fix it,
or learn from it and move on.

There is a lesson in all of our mis-adventures.

Nothing can be so bad that we cannot learn from our
mis-adventures and become the better people that we
know we can be.

So for this week:

Feel the FEAR and DO it ANYWAY!

Here's to your success...

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!
Founder of the "Kids and Money" DreamRichly Group.
Founder of
Founder of

Saturday, August 2, 2008

What Do YOU Want?

"I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store.

"For Life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.

"I worked for a menial's hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have willingly paid."


I have this poem on the wall next to my bed
so that I remind myself daily to ask for MORE.

YOU deserve MORE and so does YOUR CHILD!

Ask for what you REALLY WANT!

Cheers....Amanda van der
Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

Founder of the "Kids and Money" DreamRichly Group
Founder of
Now offering a 45% afilliate commission!

Have You Watched Your Mind Movie

Saturday, July 26, 2008

So What About The Little Guy?

My question to you is:

Do you want to be a "Little Guy" or do you want to be a "Big Guy"?

I know what I want...

I want to be HUMUNGOUS!!!

Don't accept only what you can easily have, GO FOR MORE!!!

It's the path to the dream that is the happiness, no path, no happiness.

As parents I invite you to encourage your children (like a tough football coach) to ALWAYS go for MORE!

We have softened society enough.

We don't fail students anymore, we don't give out papers marked in red ink anymore...

Where does this end? What will this do to our budding entrepreneurs?

The ones who are destined to grow up to support our world?

If we crush their goals, mush their reaches, than it will be ONLY our OWN FAULT that they won't amount to anything BIG and succeed in life NOT only for themselves, but also for US!

Push your child to reach a lot further, and remind them to ENJOY their journey.

It's the struggle that we enjoy not the landing point.

Here's to your child's success!

Cheers....Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!
Founder of the "Kids and Money" DreamRichly Group
Founder of
Now offering a 45% afilliate commission!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Real Life Example of the Law of Attraction

This weekend a 24 year old dream of mine finally came true!

24 years ago, my best friend in the world disappeared one
day from school and never returned.

It was a tragedy for me.

I can still clearly remember the moment it happened:

We were in gym class playing Dodge Ball when our school
secretary walked in and told my childhood best friend, of 7
years, that her mother was there to pick her up to take her
to a doctor's appointment.

I didn't even have a chance to say good-bye to her as the
ball was coming my way and I had to catch it or be hit by it

Then it was weekend, so I didn't think much about my friend
being taken out of school.

But by Monday, I noticed that she had not returned.

By Wednesday, I called her home to see if she was ill.
Her father told me she wasn't feeling well and would stay
out of school for a while.

After about a week, my parents told me that I would probably
never see her again
as her mother had taken her and her two
sisters away from their father and they would not be coming

They were on the run.

I went into a deep depression for the first time of my life,
I was only 11 years old.

My parents really didn't know how to help me. I felt lost.
I didn't know if she was alright or if she was even alive.

After about 2 months, I was called into my principal's
office and told that she was in British Columbia but that he
was not allowed to tell me which school.

This dissappearance haunted me for years and really affected
my own perception on life.

After about 6 months, I decided that I would probably find
her again when I was 35 years old.

I didn't know what the "law of attraction" was, so I didn't
realize what I had subliminally caused into action that day
that I made that desparate decission.

Now fast forward 23 years:

After many failed attempts at finding my long lost best friend,
I found myself sitting on an airplane headed back to Canada for
a long year and a half vacation to give my husband and children
the gift of truly experiencing a real Canadian year!

I had been learning about the power revealed in the movie,
"The Secret" and had already started to put what I had
learned into motion.

So I decided, while on that long plane ride from New Zealand
to Canada, that I would spend my time envissioning my reunion
with my long lost best friend.

I imagined her driving up to my birthday bon-fire party and
finally being able to give her a great big hug.

A few weeks after arriving in Canada I did have a birthday
bon-fire party but no long lost best friend showed up.

I had forgotten that you need to give it time to make the law
of attraction
work for you.

You can't expect immediate returns, you just need to concieve
the idea, believe it will come true, give it time and then happily
receive your rewards at the end.

So fast forward 8 months:

I find her big sister on, Incredible!

Then she gives my long lost best friend's phone number.

I call her up and we have an incredible teary, happy,
emotionally charged, conversation and make plans to meet up
that weekend. (I'm only still 34 years old).

But no such luck, she cancels on me due to family

No worries, we try again.

And we fail again!

Then I leave the country for a month and then go travelling
through the Canadian Maritimes for another month. So still
no catch up.

Then days before my next (incredibly delayed - by two
months) birthday bon-fire I email her asking if she would
like to come.

I don't get a reply.

Then the day before I get a reply, she is coming!

But she doesn't show up.

So I quickly check my emails during my party as it gets
later and later...

Yes, and email from her. She is sorry to say that she is
late BUT she IS still coming!

Then she arrives.

We finally get to meet eachother, in person, after 24 long
years of waiting, and guess what?

I'm 35 years old AND we're meeting for the very first time
at my birthday bon-fire party!

Talk about the "Law of Attraction" in motion!

My point?

Create your goals, clearly state and imagine what you
desire. Then trust in your heart that it will manifest, and
then enjoy the moment when your dream arrives.

I did!

But beware...

The "Law of Attraction" is always working, whether you know
it or not. So make sure you create your thoughts the way you
wish them to be.

Don't make yourself have to wait 24 years like I did!

Here's to your success....

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!
Founder of the "Kids and Money" DreamRichly Group.
Founder of

Meet Some Teen Millionaires!

Cameron Johnson and Ashley Quall are incredible examples of what your own children can accomplish with the right guidance and perseverance.

If you would like to encourage your own teenager to become a success but don't quite know how to get your child to listen to you (what teenager wants to listen to their parents, right?), then I highly recommend that you simply get them a copy of Cameron's book, "You Call The Shots" and let a successful peer teach your child through their own experiences from the view point of a teenager.

Here's to your child's success.

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik....Excited Life Enthusiast!

Monday, July 21, 2008

45% Commission Paid To YOU!!!

Hello Fellow Parent Entrepreneurs,

I've got Incredibly EXCITING news!!!

I've put together an affiliate program with a 45% commission on every sale made to be paid out to YOU!

Whenever you refer a friend to my website and they buy my "The Insider's Secrets to Raising a Future Millionaire" ebook, you'll get paid a WHOPPING 45% Commission!

Pretty cool eh?

You get to share in the profits!

What better way to encourage your own children to become entrepreneurs!

Be their role model!

Just go to
to sign up as an affiliate and start earning YOUR commissions NOW!!!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. Make sure you sign up right now to start earning a WHOPPING! 45% commission!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Let Them Steal Your Kid's Wallet, But NEVER Let Them Steal

Last Friday, on our last day of our family vacation to PEI
and New Brunswick, Canada, our credit and debit cards
were stolen.

Not the most desired way to end a family vacation.

This is what happened:

We decided to go swimming at the local swimming pool in St.
Stephen, New Brunswick.

In my husband's haste to get our son ready to go swimming he
completely forgot that he had put his wallet in the pocket
of his shorts which he had left in the change room.

We had a fabulous hour and a half of amazing swimming with
our two young children.

We just really enjoyed ourselves.

Our little girl, 6 years, was able to swim all by herself in
the deep end with no water wings!
It was incredible and she was so proud.

Our little boy, 4 years, was excitedly showing off how he
could now look under the water with his eyes open!
He was thrilled.

It was a gorgeous sunny day with enough cloud cover to not
get ourselves burned.

We really enjoyed ourselves.

Then it was time to get dressed and start our long journey
back home.

While I was getting myself and our daughter dressed, I heard
my husband call into our changeroom, "somebody stole our
bank card!"

I was shocked that someone would do that. But other than
that initial shock, I felt an incredible calm come over me.

I knew that all would be right.

What they did was awful, not only did they throw all
of my husband's wallet cards all over the changeroom,
they also grabbed our 4 year old son's underwear
and threw that in one of the toilets!

We finished getting dressed, and then went to my aunt's
store and used her phone to cancel the bank card. By this
time we also noticed that the credit card had been stolen as
well, so we cancelled that one too.

Then we filed a report with the local police and then
continued on with our journey home.

Now this event could have ruined our beautiful day, but
we didn't let it.

I had felt quite confident that they would not be able to
access our bank card and we were able to cut off the cards
before any money had been stolen.

We knew all would be just fine. A replacement card was on
it's way and we were safe once again.

Our son even learned a valuable lesson:

Never throw anyone's underwear in the toilet! It's not a
nice thing to do!

He learned about the rule that says, "Do unto others as
you would do unto yourself."

I really don't know if I would have been able to teach
this lesson to him any better than this incident did!

So all in all, it wasn't so bad and we still had a wonderful
trip home.

So my advice to all of you is: They can steal your
wallet, but they can never steal your attitude!

That part's up to you!

Here's to your kids having an optimistically attitudical

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!
Founder of

P.S. Teach your kid NEVER steal anyone else's
wallet and never throw someone else's underwear in the

Remember the 'law of attraction' is always working so make
sure it works FOR your child/ren, never AGAINST them!

Click here to learn more ways to make the 'law of attraction'
work FOR your child!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Admit Your Defeat!

How often have you tried to accomplish something only to fail and then hide your failure?

I know I have.

Be honest with yourself.

It doesn’t feel good to admit defeat but to bottle up your mistakes inside and to try to hide them will only drain you of positive energy and fill you with negative tension.

We all make mistakes, it’s nature’s way of teaching us new lessons.

I like to say, "There are NO mistakes, ONLY very expensive LESSONS!"

Don’t be afraid of failure and don’t be afraid to admit your defeat.

Not only will you be freeing yourself of all that negative energy, you will also be giving the beautiful gift of new lessons learned to those with whom you share your defeat.

Be refreshed and begin again, learning from your mistakes.

Forget school!

I know we were raised in school to feel badly about making mistakes.

Start fresh and embrace your mistakes, learn from them and then try not to repeat them.

Here’s to your new life lessons!

Cheers….Amanda van der Gulik….Excited Life Enthusiast!
Founder of the “Kids and Money” DreamRichly Group.
Founder of

P.S. Have you created your own Mind Movie yet?

Friday, July 11, 2008

Be Realistic! It's Your Choice!

I often hear, "Be Realistic!" whenever someone finds I'm being too happy.

What I say to them, with a smile, of course, is, "We both are!"

Realism, is only in which way you choose to see something.

It's raining today.....

"It's wet and dreary, what a horrible day!"


"Look at that, I'm so pleased, our garden really needed the water. It's going to be so refreshing and smell just wonderful today!"

You're choice.

So whenever someone tries to dampen your day, just remember, it's only THEIR perspective, NOT yours!

You're BOTH right, so you get to choose!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!
Founder of the "Kids and Money - Kid Entrepreneurs" DreamRichly Group.
Founder of

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Amanda's Personal Mind Movie!

Hello Fellow Life Enthusiasts!

I've been asked again and again to give an example of what a mind movie looks like.

Better yet, I'm going to show you my very own mind movie!


So now that you see what a Mind Movie is and how it can keep you motivated and inspired on a daily basis, I highly recommend you create your own quick!

No waiting! The sooner you get your own mind movie made, the sooner you can watch it every morning when you wake up and every evening before you go to bed, so you will be constantly reminded of your goals and never get into a negative rut.

And you will be making the "Law of Attraction" work for you 10-fold!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!
Founder of

Create Your Own Mind Movie Now, I've Arranged for the Next
28 People to get a Special Discount! ACT NOW, Don't Miss Out!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Words are Magic!


"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet."

Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

A familiar quote by Shakespeare.

If we had never known what a rose was but saw it for the very first time and were told that it was called a 'skunk cabage' (and had no idea what a 'skunk' was) then we would think the name 'skunk cabage' was a beautiful, romantic name simply because the flower itself was so sweet and pure.

But if we knew what a 'skunk' was then our beautiful rose would suddenly seem much less sweet!

Words are magic!

We must be very careful which words we choose to use in our daily lives.

Words can inspire and lift us to great heights, but they can also be our downfall, they can
crumble us, make us cringe and hide in a corner full of cobwebs and broken dreams.

Which words do you choose to use?

"I CAN'T afford that."


"HOW CAN I afford that?"

It seems of little importance how we speak about a subject, but therein lies the beast!

We don't even realise we are doing it. We put ourselves down daily, we put our hopes and
aspiritions down without a second thought.


We were taught to do it!

Our parents told us, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

They were wrong!


It's all about perseption. Is your glass half full or half empty? It makes a difference.

Yes no matter how you say it that glass will still have one half with liquid and one with air, but
how you see it will affect not the glass or the liquid within it but YOUR LIFE!

If you see it as half empty then you are missing so much!
You are closing yourself to life's wonders and joys.

If you see it as half full then you are blessed.
You will enjoy life.

But beware...

Negativity is so easy to enter your mind unexpectedly.

Make sure you see your own thoughts for what they are and make a point to correct yourself
whenever you find yourself allowing a negative thought.

NEVER reprimand yourself for your negative thoughts, as that will only increase your negativity, instead, laugh, giggle, and then kindly remind yourself of the possitive alternative.


"It's raining outside, now my suit is going to get all wet and my day will be ruined!"

continue with:

"Oh, silly me, who cares if my suit gets wet, it'll dry and besides the rain really brings out
my natural curls like no
shampoo or conditioner ever could. This rain means, fresh grass
and new flowers will be blooming. I'm going to have a
fantastic day!!!"

It's up to you!

Here's to your success,

Cheers....Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!
Founder of the Kids and Money DreamRichly Group.
Founder of

Now That Your Own Mind Has Been OPTIMISTICALLY Revamped,
It's Time To Get Your KIDS Thinking POSSITIVELY, Click Here!

True Gratitude Will Be Your Success!

Welcome Fellow Parents,

My name is Amanda van der Gulik and I am the founder of the Teaching Children About Money website.

Today I would like to talk to you about Gratitude.

How can you ever be truly successful if you are never grateful?

I know this may seem very logical but bare with me and think about this.

How often have you taken the moment to simply sit back and feel your genuine gratitude for all that you have accomplished and all that you will accomplishe?

"Be grateful for what I will accomplish?" you ask.

My answer to you is: ABSOLUTELY!

Not only is is of absolute importance to be truly, from the depths of your soul be genuinely grateful for all that you have already accomplished but also for what you wish to accomplish.

"Okay, I understand about being grateful for what I have", you say, "but how can I be grateful for what I wish to accomplish if I haven't accomplished it yet? And why is it important to be grateful for my future accomplishments if they haven't happened yet?"

Two very good questions. Let me answer your second question first.

WHY be grateful about my future accomplishments?

Have you ever heard of the "law of attraction"? Do you know what it means?

In short the 'law of attraction' states that in order to attract to you that which you desire you must send out those energies like a magnet. So if you are already grateful for what you have not yet accomplished but honestly believe in your heart that you will accomplish those things then you are using the 'law of attraction' in your favour by making your mind as well as the universe believe that you have already accomplished your desired goals and thereby sending those very goals your way, through natural laws as well as through possitive mental manipulation.

Hey, if someone's going to play with your mind, it may as well be you!
AND it may as well be representing your desired future, right?

Okay, now onto your first question,

HOW can I be grateful about my future accomplishments?

GREAT question!

It's actually a lot simpler than you might imagine it to be:

* Make the time to sit down by yourself for at least half an hour with a pen and a pad of paper and list ALL the goals that you wish to achieve down on your notepad. (What do you want to DO in your life, who do you want to BE, which charities would you like to HELP?)

* Now grab some old magazines or go to a search engine like Google and look for photos that represent your future dreams. Print these off and cut them out. Then stick them across from the toilet seat, on your bathroom mirror, next to your bed, on the wall that you look at from your desk, and on your refridgerator as well as any other place you can think of so that you will be reminded on a very continuous daily basis.

* You can even go one step further and create what I like to call your very own "mind movie". This is a movie of moving photos of all the dreams that you wish to achieve attached to music that moves you spiritually to reach your dreams and to see them as something that already exists and that you are truly grateful for.

With the mind movie I highly recommend you watch it first thing when you wake up in the morning and last thing before you go to bed at night to really take the most benefit of this incredibly powerful mind message.

The main thing is that you want to have the text, "I am so happy and grateful NOW that I AM....., I HAVE......., I GIVE........, etc."

Write this text on paper in dark bold letters and fill in your dreams and goals in the appropriate places and then make numerous copies and stick them on or above the areas where you have posted your goal pictures to remind your mind that these goals have already happened and that you are genuinely grateful for them.

If you make a mind movie version of your goals then make sure that you put that text into your mind movie as well.

Here are some examples of possible texts:

"I am so happy and grateful now that I am healthy and strong, and I am physically able to play outdoor games with my family for hours!"

"I am so happy and grateful now that I am earning over $1000.00/day, ever since August 2008, by helping others achieve their goals!"

Make it mean something for you!

Here's to your success,

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik....Excited Life Enthusiast!
Founder of the Teaching Children About Money website.

If you like the 'mind movie' idea and need help with that,
I found a really helpful Australian site here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why Business For Kids?

Dear Fellow Parents,business for kids

Today I am honoured with sharing with you a special blog post written by my good friend, Jenny Ford.

She is the owner of Cash-Smart-Kids and has three young entrepreneurial girls of her own, all with their own businesses, started at the ages of 9-12! Enjoy!

"Every now and again, I meet someone who is new to the area of
financial education, and when that happens I find that I need to go back to basics and explain why it is that we believe business experience is a vital part of a well-rounded financial education. I find that many people get focused on the earning of money when they think about business for kids.

Many people see business as difficult, and stressful, and as a complicated way to make money. It seems to them that understanding business is optional, as most kids will never need that understanding. Nothing could be further from the truth. Kids gain so many benefits from running a business, above and beyond the money they may earn.

Business Understanding Benefits Consumers and Employees, As Well As
Even as a consumer, if you understand how business works, you are much
less likely to be conned, overcharged, or exploited. As an employee, your understanding of the business model your employer uses will make you more valuable, help you to make the right choices when using your discretion, and enable you to choose the right time and the right
supporting arguments to ask for that raise.

Business Experience Develops Character
Quite apart from any financial benefit, running a business develops your child across a range of personal qualities. A business has been described as "one of the best personal development programs available". Whether it is dealing with unhappy customers, trying to make sales, managing contractors, or managing their own emotions of excitement, apprehension or disappointment, doing business will put your child in
learning situations which develop his or her character and attitude.

Business provides the best possible feedback - immediate and accurate. If you get your marketing message right, customers show up. If you treat your customers badly, they go elsewhere. We have devoted ourselves to shielding kids from the "harsh realities" of the world, but a little controlled exposure to reality is very important preparation for real life!

Business Experience Builds Confidence
Doing business enables a child to negotiate with adults on an equal footing, as a professional supplier of good or services. The experience of being taken seriously is incredibly important, particularly in the tween and early teen years, when our culture really doesn't offer kids much opportunity to interact with adults as peers. I cannot stress enough how important it is for kids to have the sense that they can provide something of value, which adults will take seriously.

Kids are not stupid - they know when adults are cooing "oh, that's lovely" about a painting or poem, but don't really mean it. They won't reject condescending praise - any praise is better than no praise - but they hunger for real, valid affirmation. They yearn to be able to do something worthwhile, and be appreciated for their contribution with no allowances required for their age or cuteness.

Once a child knows their accomplishments are genuinely impressive at an adult level, it relieves a primal anxiety about how they will make their own way in the world as adults. Too many of our kids never get this sense of their own capability, and become children in adult bodies, still uncertain and anxious about their ability to function in the adult world. Early business experience can provide that vital sense of competence and self-sufficiency, even when the actual business earnings are no more than a few dollars.

Business Experience Teaches The Real Value Of Money
When a child is too young to have a regular job, the only way they will learn the connection between providing something of value and receiving money in return is to have a business. As we all know, the "something for nothing" mentality is at plague proportions in our culture, and it causes a lot of misery.

Early business experience, coupled with parents who are responsible about allowances, will give kids a good, solid foundation of visceral knowledge that money comes as a result of providing value - and that they have something of value to offer. What better attitude to instil in your kids?

Of course, it is also important to teach them how to manage their money responsibly - to save, invest, give, and to make wise spending decisions. Business experience is not the be-all and end-all of financial education. Business education, however, makes an important contribution to
financial understanding, which cannot be replicated using allowances alone. This is why we created the Cash-Smart Kids program, to provide an integrated approach to financial education - one that covers all the bases."

Jenny Ford is a financial educator, holder of a B.A.(Hons) in Psychology, a Diploma in Training And Assessment Systems, and an Advanced Diploma in Business Management, and mother of three girls, all of whom started businesses aged between nine and twelve. Jenny's blog
can be seen at Raising Entrepreneurs. Enter the Cash-Smart Kids YouTube Video Competition
- do you know a child with a business? Make a video and they could be featured in a new book to be published in 2009.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Jenny will be gifting us with future posts as well.

Here's to your child's business education,

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik....Excited Life Enthusiast!