Thursday, April 29, 2010

Guest Post: Alternative Financing for Business Endeavors

Today we have a guest post from the people at paydayloans.

When you need money to start a venture, there is good debt and bad debt. If your loan will make you more money than you need to pay in your interest fees then that is good debt. If your loan costs you more money than you will earn from your new venture then that is bad debt. Just make sure that you only ever take out loans for good debt and you'll have your money working hard FOR you! ;o)

The people at PayDayLoans may be able to help you acquire Good Debt so your money can work hard for you.

Below is a special post from them to help you see your options. I am not in any way affiliated with them. Whether you choose to take out a loan from them or not I will not be compensated for that. I just like their willingness to help people realize the difference between good and bad debt.

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast! ;o)


Alternative Financing for Business Endeavors
Business men and women always seem to suffer from boredom and always have their hand in other projects that may or may not be related to their main business. This is because they always seem to strive for perfection in all that they do. They see opportunities that others do not and always jump on-board with new ventures to make money as this is their motivator in many ways. It is imperative that they see something in a new venture that makes them believe they will make money by investing. Often, these opportunities rear their ugly head when a business person is strapped and they may even have to turn to alternative financing before taking that leap.
In the case of a trusted payday loans online or cash advance, the investment opportunity must bring in more than the amount of the fees and interest for the loan. These payday loans often have pretty hefty fees, but are quick and easy and the fees are high due to the incidents of default on these types of loans. They lose millions a year and they must cover these loses by instituting fees and interest to make money. Payday loan companies are in it for the money as well as to provide a service. If an investor must use a cash advance for an investment, they must be careful to make sure that their profit from the venture can cover the principal, interest and fees from the loan.
Money is often tied up in a main business and bank loans can often take weeks to get approved, so some savvy entrepreneurs resort to these advances to make sure that they do not miss out on a good opportunity to make a quick buck. Regardless of how they do it, they are always looking for chances to expand their business and their overall brand image in the business world, no matter what it takes to do so in a free economy.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I hope you had as wonderful an Easter weekend and I did. ;o)

I'm not sure if you celebrate Easter
or not, but regardless, I sincerely
hope you had as great a weekend as I
just did with my family.

First the Easter Bunny set up a fun
treasure hunt in our house that had
our kids absolutely focused on finding
their treasure. ;o)

Then we had a wonderful family breakfast,
went next door to a maple syrup farm/
apple orchard and had a second Easter
egg hunt in the woods, as well as got to
show our kids how they make maple syrup.

And the weather was just gorgeous!

Then finished our weekend with a lovely
family dinner, all 12 of us! ;o)

I am so grateful and so thankful.

I hope you too had a wonderful weekend
with your kids. Let me know what you did.
I'd love to hear all about your own
Easter adventures. Or if you don't
celebrate Easter then just let me know
how you enjoyed your weekend.

I'm almost ready to launch my new video
home-study course, "Teaching Children
About Money". Thanks again to everyone
who helped me put this unique course
together. I really appreciated your help.

I'll email you later this week, once I
have my video up. You're gonna love
what the kids say in the video. It'll
really make you laugh. They're just so
cute! ;o)

Okay, have a great week.

Cheers...Amanda...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. Make sure you let me know how your
weekend went. I can't wait to hear all
of your own bunny stories. ;o)

P.P.S. Oh, I also wanted to let you know
that I'm endorsing a new book by Robin
Sharma. I don't know if you know him, he
is the author of the #1 international
blockbusters 'The Monk Who Sold His
Ferrari' and 'The Greatness Guide'.

Well, anyway, he's come out with a new
book today called, 'The Leader who Had
No Title: A Modern Fable On Real Success
In Business and In Life' (Simon & Schuster).

I think the lessons in Robin's new book are
incredible and can help us to keep our
'wealth mentality' healthy as we continue
to role model good money management to our
kids. ;o)

Just thought I'd let you know about it.
I don't make any commission on recommending
it. Just wanted to share it with you.

You can check it out here:

If you scroll down on this page you'll see
that I'm the third 'Gift Sponsor' on the list.
That's how good I think it is, that I'm
actually giving away a special gift to every
one who buys Robin's book today.

Oh yeah, almost forgot to tell you, because
Robin is launching his book todayand is
hoping to reach 'best seller' status, he is
also giving away the chance to win 24 iPods
(one every hour) today only, and only through
his special site.

And he's also giving away over 100 bonusGifts
(with a retailValue in excess of $1,057!)
You can see them all here:

Cool, hope you had a great weekend, check
out Robin's book if you'd like more inspiration
to pass on to your kids. (It's REALLY GOOD!)

You know I only ever recommend things that
I personally feel will empower either you
or your child or both. So enjoy! ;o)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Don't Do All The Work Yourself

The worst business advice I ever received was...

"If you want it done right, then do it yourself!"

1. I don't have enough time in a day to do everything myself.
2. My most successful products have been compilations of other people's ideas & stuff.
3. When you Joint Venture with others you get to use their lists too! That's HUGE leverage!
4. I don't need to be 'qualified', I can hire someone else who is!
5. I'm in business for myself so I can have time to enjoy my time with my husband & kids!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast. ;o)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Find out what I learned when I met Melissa Gilbert, aka 'Laura Ingles'...

Melissa Gilbert meets Amanda van der Gulik
Melissa Gilbert Meets Amanda van der Gulik

Last week I had the unique opportunity to meet Melissa
Gilbert in person. You may know her as the little girl
who played Laura Ingles in the famous TV show, "Little
House on The Prairie" based on the "Little House" books
written by Laura Ingles Wilder.

WOW, what a wonderful experience.

First of all I have to tell you a little bit of background
here. I have been absolutely in love with the whole "Little
House" books and the TV series since I was a little girl.

There is just such a sense of complete happiness and
comfort to them that give you a true feeling of peace.
I just love that.

Last Christmas my sweet husband, gave me the complete
TV series as my Christmas present. What joy. ;o)
I was over the moon.

Since then we've been watching one espisode each night
at dinner time with our kids as well as reading a chapter
or two of the "Little House" books for our homeschooling
english classes.

So we were thrilled to find out that there was a musical
as well and that Melissa Gilbert was playing 'Ma' in the

We went to the show and it was incredible, I highly
recommend it. It's in Toronto playing at the Cannon
Theatre right now, and it's moving to other cities
as well, if it get to a city near you, go and see it.
You'll be so delighted by it. The girl who now plays
Laura is incredible.

Anyway after that show I asked if we could meet Melissa.
She wasn't doing any signing but the lady at the door said
she'd let us out the back entrance where the stage crew
leave after work and then it was just let up to chance
whether or not we would see her.

It was absolutely freezing out and we had little children
with us, so we wouldn't be able to wait out long, and we
wouldn't be allowed back inside once we were let out.

So I got the kids all bundled up after a quick trip to the
bathroom with them all and out we went.

Well, it was exactly one minute after we were let outside
that the stage door opened and out came the full cast.

It was thrilling to see Melissa in person. And there were
only 4 other fans waiting outside to see her, so our timing
couldn't have been better.

It was cold and I knew she was tired after just doing
two shows back to back in one day, so I didn't want
to take up too much of her time. The other fans all wanted
autographs, but I wanted something more personal to
remember her by. So I asked for a photo.

She was so sweet to our kids, you can tell that she is a
natural with kids. We told her that we had come from
New Zealand and that caughter her interest. Then my
little girl told her that we had seen all of her 'Little
House' shows and movies and she was so sweet, bending
down and speaking directly to my daughter.

Anyway, just wanted to share with you how you can have
your dreams come true if you believe.

I didn't tell you this yet, but I had hoped to meet Melissa
in person but didn't really expect it to happen until I took
my kids to the bathroom before heading outside.

I found myself saying, "oh I hope we'll get to meet her" and
then I noticed what I was saying and quickly corrected myself.
I told myself, "I'm so happy and grateful now that Melissa
and I have met, she was so sweet with my kids and we have the
most amazing photo of her with us. What a treat that was."

(I am learning the principles that make the Law of Attraction
work, so as a LOA student I am always ready to adjust my
thoughts into present, positive tense, and it's amazing how
that has positively affected my life so far.)

So I didn't even feel surprised when it came true just as I
had immagined it. I felt incredible gratitude but not surprise.

I wish for all of your dreams to come true also.

Here's to your and your child's MASSIVE SUCCESS!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. If you'd like to go to Melissa Gilbert's show, here's
the website:

Building self esteem intentionally in children - by Joe Rubino

"Studies show that self esteem is the most important ingredient responsible for attaining success and happiness, developing effective communication and creating rewarding relationships. In this continuing series, building upon past articles SelfEsteem and More SelfEsteem , here are 10 additional ways that parents and teachers can champion children to build their self-esteem..."

You can see the 10 ways here:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"New credit card laws may save the day for college bound teens" by Patti Handy, snippet from her blog

Patti says, "Credit cards can be a man’s (and woman’s) best friend…or worst enemy. They can save the day when an unexpected expense occurs, a flat tire at 2:00 am blows, or a medical emergency hits you from behind. In the event of an amazing sale at your favorite store, this little piece of plastic can become your biggest nightmare.

For college bound teens, credit card companies have, in years past, made it very easy to obtain credit cards. According to a recent Sallie Mae study, college students carried an average balance of $3,173 on their credit cards last year, a record high since the first analysis in 1998. A whopping 82 percent revolved a balance each month.
On May 22, President Barack Obama signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure, or Credit CARD, Act of 2009 into law. Among many changes, one in particular is geared towards those college kids.

Effective February 2010, consumers under age 21..."

Read the rest of Patti's article on Patti Handy's blog at: