Thursday, April 29, 2010

Guest Post: Alternative Financing for Business Endeavors

Today we have a guest post from the people at paydayloans.

When you need money to start a venture, there is good debt and bad debt. If your loan will make you more money than you need to pay in your interest fees then that is good debt. If your loan costs you more money than you will earn from your new venture then that is bad debt. Just make sure that you only ever take out loans for good debt and you'll have your money working hard FOR you! ;o)

The people at PayDayLoans may be able to help you acquire Good Debt so your money can work hard for you.

Below is a special post from them to help you see your options. I am not in any way affiliated with them. Whether you choose to take out a loan from them or not I will not be compensated for that. I just like their willingness to help people realize the difference between good and bad debt.

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast! ;o)


Alternative Financing for Business Endeavors
Business men and women always seem to suffer from boredom and always have their hand in other projects that may or may not be related to their main business. This is because they always seem to strive for perfection in all that they do. They see opportunities that others do not and always jump on-board with new ventures to make money as this is their motivator in many ways. It is imperative that they see something in a new venture that makes them believe they will make money by investing. Often, these opportunities rear their ugly head when a business person is strapped and they may even have to turn to alternative financing before taking that leap.
In the case of a trusted payday loans online or cash advance, the investment opportunity must bring in more than the amount of the fees and interest for the loan. These payday loans often have pretty hefty fees, but are quick and easy and the fees are high due to the incidents of default on these types of loans. They lose millions a year and they must cover these loses by instituting fees and interest to make money. Payday loan companies are in it for the money as well as to provide a service. If an investor must use a cash advance for an investment, they must be careful to make sure that their profit from the venture can cover the principal, interest and fees from the loan.
Money is often tied up in a main business and bank loans can often take weeks to get approved, so some savvy entrepreneurs resort to these advances to make sure that they do not miss out on a good opportunity to make a quick buck. Regardless of how they do it, they are always looking for chances to expand their business and their overall brand image in the business world, no matter what it takes to do so in a free economy.

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