Thursday, October 23, 2008

Which one are YOU?

DreamRichly Daily, Wednesday October 22, 2008, Vol. 1, Amanda van der Gulik – Which one are YOU? - The DreamRichly Club:

"- There are people that make things happen.
- There are people that watch things happen.
- There are people that ask 'What happened?'

Which one are you?"

Click the link above to check out the rest of this blog.

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What to DO in These Financial Times of Crisis?

Don't forget your children.

Times of financial crisis are times of incredible opportunity to teach your children never become a victim to financial crisis.

What better way to role model financial success for our kids than to teach by showing?

Get your finances sorted but show your kids, don't hide it. They will learn by example.

And on the other side, the best way to learn is to teach.

So by teaching children about money, you will in effect be teaching yourself and helping yourself get out of your own financial debts and worries.

Here's to raising financially and emotionally stable and successful families!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chocolate Lover!!! - by KAM - 12 years old

"I started this business because…

I wanted to have a business and my own money.

I chose chocolate lollipops because I knew it was going to be a success since everyone loves chocolate and it was going to be easy to sell.

Every 2 weeks, I make chocolate lollipops. This is how I do it. My mom takes me to the store to buy the ingredients and materials. When I get home I make the lollipops, after they are all ready and packed I count how many of each flavor I made and write it on my notebook.

I go with my 3 brothers and sell them in my neighborhood and in my school.

When I finish selling all of them I count the money and verify that it matches the number of lollipops.

When I count all the money I divide it this way: to cover the cost of materials
and ingredients, to pay each of my brothers, for each of my 3 piggy banks,
for me, and the rest I leave it in the business bank to re-invest in the business.

My goals are to have money to help people and buy anything I want. And be free…

Being my own boss is difficult because I have to do everything, sell, count, buy etc.

As I write my brother tells me that it difficult because I don't let them (the brothers) do anything else but sell. I will start training one of them to help me making and packing the lollipops. This will give me more time to do other things.

I like being my own boss because I control what I do and when I do it.

I have not donate money because I did not know it was so important now,

I am ready to start donating.

Till next time…

Kamila Márquez Marxuach
Puerto Rico
12 years old
October 13, 2008

What if you only had 30 seconds left?

Here are the three things I would tell my children if I only
had 30 seconds left
to say anything to them to help them
with their future.

(As a matter of fact I say these things to them every night
when I kiss them goodnight.)

1. I love you sweetheart with all my heart.

2. You are my favourite, girl/boy in the whole world.
(I have one of each, very convienent! ;o)

3. You can do anything you want. If you think you can do it,
you are right.
If you think you can't you are right!

What three things would YOU say to YOUR own children or loved
ones if you only had 30 seconds left?

Post them below, share them with us all.

Here's to your Massive Success!

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!

P.S. Time is running out...

30, 29, 28, 27, 26...

Don't waste it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

bad news...

Do you watch the news?

How does it make you feel?

Why do you watch the news?

Have you ever wondered why you watch the news?

It's called the "Rubber Neck Effect".

Here's an example from internet guru, Frank Kern, of what I mean:

You're driving down the highway and you see a beautiful field of colourful flowers all in bloom...

You would probably notice it briefly but would you slow down to enjoy the moment?

Most of us wouldn't.

Now you drive by a horrible accident, ambulance, police, mangled cars, blood and glass everywhere...

Most of us would slow down to see it, right?

Why is this?

It's human nature, we have a "rubber neck" that twists to see the bad news...

But what is it doing to your life?

Do you really need to watch the news?

Why fill your mind with horrible images that you then send back out into your future through the law of attraction.

Instead, why not simply refuse to watch the news, refuse to read the newspaper, refuse to listen to the news on the radio.

Did you know that the news that you NEED to hear about, you will?

Even if you don't watch the news...

If it's important enough to know, someone will tell you about it. They always do.

So save your precious mind space for only the possitive news, the really important negative news will find you anyway so don't go out and purposely find it, let it find you instead.

Be in control of the thoughts and ideas that you let in.

Stop your own "Rubber Neck Effect"!

Here's to your success...

Cheers....Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life & "Kids and Money" Enthusiast!
Teaching Children About Money
Create Your Own Good News Mind Movie

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What's Your Point of View?

Two Weeks ago I was travelling with my husband to San Diego for a 'weekend away without our kiddos'.

It was heavenly. We love our children very dearly, but it's also nice to have some quality time alone with your life partner as well! ;o)

We were on our way to meet the people from It was fantastic. (They are the guys who help you put your vision board into a movie format.)

While we were travelling through the terminal we noticed something magnificant!


You know the gang-way that you need to walk through to get to your plane right?

Well, on both sides of the walls of the gang-way were these incredible images with very bold statements.

They caught my eye and made me think of you guys.

We are a different set of people, we have taken our own dreams of teaching our children about money and taken the possitive action to join up other like-minded parents to stay continuously inspired and supported.

So I wrote down the bold statements that I found that day. I wanted to pass them on to you all.

Just as a reminder that we are all different, with different views.
The views are neither wrong nor right, they are just different.

But it is this possitive difference that changes our futures.

Enjoy, them as much as I did. Then reflect and make a concious choice as to which view you are going to take to make your life the ultimate life of your dreams.

And share them with us below in your replies to this post.

Here they are, ENJOY!

What's YOUR point of view?

Cheers...Amanda van der Gulik...Excited Life Enthusiast!