Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wrigley's Gum Success & the Law of Attraction?

So what do Wrigley's chewing gum and the Law of Attraction from "The Secret" have in common?

William Wrigley Jr.! Yup that's right.

The Wrigley company is the largest gum company in the world and it's founder, William Wrigley, Jr., wrote, 'Whatever success I may have attained I owe, entirely, to the application of ... the Law of Success.' (the Law of Attraction)

So if Wrigley can accomplish such astounding success through the fundamentals of the Law of Attraction then how about you?

Watch my mind movie and be inspired. Then create your own mind movie so you too can accelerate the Law of Attraction for yourself.

If you would like to create your own mind movie then click here or go to

The Law of Attraction states that what "the mind can conceive and believe, it will achieve."

In other words, first you need to create your perfect future, then you need to believe it as already being so and then it will manifest itself to be true with time and belief.

I know it all sounds a bit hokey poky but it's incredibly true.

I have used the Law of Attraction for most of my life without even realising it.

Just this past year did I start to consciously make the law of attraction work for me.
I have now seen some of my dreams come to life.

My childhood best friend disappeared without a trace when I was 11 years old. This was a very sad time in my life. I had been searching for her ever since that day she disappeared without any luck. I wanted to know if she was alright, even if she was still alive.

Then after realising the power of consciously using the law of attraction I conceived the idea in my mind that I had found her, then I began to believe that it would absolutely happen to the point that as far as I was concerned I had already found her.

Then just a few weeks ago, my dream became a reality. I found her sister who connected me to my long lost childhood best friend. You can't even begin to imagine the emotions running through my soul. It was absolutely incredible. She was alive, she was happy and healthy. My heart could be at peace. It was incredible.

But most of all it reassured me that the law of attraction really does work. This was only one example of the many upon many other goals that have manifested themselves to me by using the law of attraction but this one meant the most to me and really gave me the ability to completely believe in the process.

There is no harm in using the law of attraction, there is only harm in not using it because it will work no matter what you are thinking. So for example if someone would like to stop smoking then they would need to think and believe thoughts like, "I am so happy and grateful now that I am healthy and my lungs are clear and free. I breathe in fresh clean air."

If on the other hand they say things to themselves like, "I want to stop smoking" then the law of attraction will work against them because the universe only hears "smoking" it doesn't pay attention to the word, "stop" in front of it. So be very careful how you think your thoughts.

As the old saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for, it just may come true."

Cheers.....Amanda van der Gulik.....Excited Life Enthusiast!

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